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June Is National Safety Month

Did you know fires occur in 36% of residential homes every year? Problems such as creosote buildup and improper usage are contributing factors that cause chimney fires, but maintaining a clean fireplace and chimney can reduce any risk of damage to your home or serious injury. By learning the correct ways to start, maintain and extinguish a fire, you can prevent problems before they start.

June is National Safety Month, which is why we are providing safety tips for keeping you and your home safe from a potential chimney fire:

Preventative Care

-CSIA recommends having an annual chimney cleaning and safety inspection completed by a certified chimney sweep.

– Keep flammable materials such as blankets and textiles away from your fireplace.

– Test all smoke and carbon monoxide alarms monthly and change the batteries at least twice a year.

– Replace cracked or damaged chimney liners.

Maintain a Safe Fire from Start to Finish

– Use only seasoned, dry hardwood as your source of fuel. Garbage and cardboard should NEVER be used.

– Before you start a fire, place the wood on a sturdy grate towards the back of the fireplace.

– Keep the glass door closed to prevent any ash or ambers from escaping into the room, while also allowing enough oxygen to burn a clean fire. Proper combustion will reduce creosote buildup.

– If your fireplace does not have a glass door, use a mesh screen to protect the area from debris.

– After the ashes have had time to cool entirely, place the ashes in an air tight bag and dispose of them at least 10 feet from your home or any other structures.

– And NEVER leave a fire unattended!

Safety Outside

Make sure the roof and chimney area is completely clear of debris, such as pine needles and branches.

– Branches must be trimmed to ensure they do not hang over the chimney flue or vent area.

– Using a chimney cap or screen will protect against animal nests, rain and snow.

– Use the traditional tower technique, when stacking your firewood, and cover the wood to protect it from the elements. Store the firewood at least 30 feet from the home.

At Rooftop Chimney Sweeps, safety is our first priority. Contact us today to have your chimney cleaned and inspected by our qualified team of technicians to reduce the risk of any chimney fires, or schedule online.

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